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tamoadmin 2024-09-21
1.篮球比赛中所用的英语专业术语?2.篮球起源于哪里3.篮球的历史4.篮球的起源5.求一篇篮球起源的文章6.篮球起源 英文版篮球比赛中所用的英语专业术语?coa






6.篮球起源 英文版



coast to coast:一个球员从后场运球到前场上篮,或称一条龙;篮球比赛状况代名词。大部分会发生一条龙状况,在于抓到篮板球或抄截对方传球后进攻球员,拥有不错运球技巧,及防守方在转换防守(transition defense)瞬间阻运(stop the ball)做的又不好之故。

combo guard:双能卫;篮球场角色名称之一。指既能控球组织队友如控球后卫(point guard),又能攻击得分如得分后卫(shooting guard)的双重角色后卫;从现代篮球进攻技战术,经常采用对持(运)球掩护(on ball screen)非常管用、有效来说,双能卫已经是现代篮球不可或缺的重要角色。

communication:联络;篮球观念之一。指比赛中防守或进攻,经过具体的说话沟通,以达到期望效果;例如防守盯人,对方对持(运)球者施行掩护(on ball screen),防守设立掩护者球员就要先行解读之后大声的叫「挡人、挡人」。

cones:双挡;进攻战术之一。在比赛中进攻方利用两位球员替某位主力球员掩护(pick),以期他得球攻击的技战术;大部分双挡掩护皆以深切(shallow cut)为主,最近趋势也有处于腰位(middle post)的双挡,以利外围球员于3分线的45度接球攻击。


continuity offense:连续性进攻;篮球进攻战术之一。指快攻(fast play)到系统战(set play)过程的攻击策略战术。

continuity:连续性;篮球概念之一。意指进攻过程依次包含长传快攻、二段式快攻、拖车(tailor)进攻、机遇战(early action)、系统战等技战术是,连续不中断、有组织的进攻策略;由此意思是,指导篮球应该包含指导转换快攻、快攻不成功情况怎么打机遇战、机遇战不能成功,怎么衔接系统战(set play)等技战术、观念。

continuity:对称一贯原则;篮球概念之一。指设计一个进攻战术,可以以相同模式在球场左、右两侧对称进行;例如外围两翼球员(wing player)接到球后的掩护走位(pick and roll),例如UCLA切。

court vision:全场视野;篮球概念之一。意指球员在比赛进行中,对于球场的每一事物,视线上的掌握程度;例如持球时候,都能看到或掌握其它四位队友踪迹以及,看到或掌握五位对手行踪。从篮球教练讨论,除了上述九位球员需掌握之外,尽可能都要求球员也能够同时掌握边线、中线、禁区线、罚球线、3分线、篮板、篮框与三位裁判等,这才是良好的全场视野。


cross screen:横向掩护;进攻战术之一。进攻战术里空手和空手掩护(off ball screen)的一种,意由球员在球场某一侧横向移位到另一侧,替队友做空手掩护,然后藉由此掩护、切出的变化,两进攻球员借机空手切出寻求空档接球攻击;常见有效的横挡以,有球边(ball side)的空手球员去替,没有球边(help side)的球员做空手掩护机会较多。

cross leg dribble:胯下运球;进攻运球技术一种。是将球以手指头、手腕之力从,跨下运拨、弹往另一侧,图求闪避防守方压迫,或者图求运球过人技巧;跨下往另一侧弹、拨球时,是以斜前的路径前进,而不应该是原地横向跨下换边的路径。

curl cut:卷曲切;进攻战术之一。进攻战术里空手和空手掩护(off ball screen)的一种;意由内线球员于禁区低位(low post)设立掩护,而外围球员藉此而做卷回式跑动的空手走位,进而寻求空档接球攻击。卷曲切技术要点有三,一是走位前不可以预设立场说要切往那一侧;其次卷曲切出前要先做走路诱敌吸引防守者紧贴的V cut ,然后再异于走路的用快跑、肩膀碰设立掩护的队友肩膀,这样充分利用队友身体掩护的跑位、这样的速度变化;其三,要有切出接球跳投的企图,并以内侧脚(inside foot)做急停垫步跳投的动作。



篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的,19世纪下半叶,美国各地的基督教青年年发展很快,参加活动的青年人很多,但到了1890年的冬天,参加青年活动的人明显减少了。为此,青年会的领导们非常忧虑。经过分析,他们认为是所缺少新颖的、适合冬季在室内进行的运动项目。同时认为,更使新的竞技项目达到预期效果,为人们所接受还必须做到以下几点:(一)新的竞技运动必须是“文明”的,严禁粗野的行为,以消除当时人们因体育运动粗野行为而产生的恐惧心理。(二)能弥补其它项目因季节、气候等自然条件的局限,不受这些因素影响,能在晚上和室内进行。(三)能使不同年龄、性别的人参加,而且特别吸引年轻人。根据以上观点,波士顿青年会在马萨诸塞州斯普林莫尔德市训练学校的体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯博士受小孩向装桃子的竹筐里扔桃子游戏的启发,并借鉴其他球类项目的特点、难点,于1891年12月25日设计并发明了篮球。刚开始它被称做“篮球游戏”。做游戏时,奈史密 斯博士两个竹筐分别悬挂在健身旁两侧的栏杆上筐距地面10英尺,用足球做为比赛用球。将球扔进对方筐里得过1分,以投中球数的多少来决定比赛的胜负。这便是篮球运动的起源过程。

The Birth Of Basketball

Formal record that, 16 centuries Aztecs predecessor resembling , being basketball in Mex ball. Think that solid rubber ball throws into bundle of player enclosing inside , beating team in sports ground one side higher place stone gaining clothes of the whole audience audience qualifiedly; But, the team leader who conveys team wants to be chopped off the head then. Basketball is Canadian Naisi at the modern times Miss trains school invention's on 1891 in USA Massachusetts spring field Young Men's Christian Association. At that time he wanted to design one kind of the activities that specially appointed occasion carries out such as both can keep the game technology and can in gym. Miss's ball starting this ball that Naisi is called but himself just regards it being righter calling basketball. The basket hangs on the wall because of that this moves is to use peach branch to encrypt, of throwing ball into basket middle ", "basketball" more image some. The basket bottom is enclosed but because of the ball basket hangs in the place of greater height being 3 meters away from a field, every throws reason why that ball is taken out in scoring one goal , being going to be climbed the ladder that the end sets up by one people from basket basket. At that time cover board using wire meshes, ball uses football to replace then. Have arrived at the basket basket switches over to become the hollow circle just now in 1906, use metal basket to replace the branch basket and. The number beginning participating in basketball game is not fixed , is every 7 people of team or 9 people generally, the sometimes is as many as 50 people. Space size is fixed neither , is sets up a boundary line neither , can use personal influence arbitrarily. 1891, Sipulinfeier is morals in USA Massachusetts international youth training school, have a physical-training teacher being called James · Smith, have accepted that the department of physical education director gives to one item mission , have asked him to invent one kind of the team motion mission being able to provoke interest in interior competition and being able to in winter. Thereupon, Smith has fused football played by lacrosse and British played for by Indian, have designed that one kind is not bad interior motion being in progress. Have once , Smith to have nailed one empty space basket frame respectively in school on both side of the gymnasium, dodge the player who divides into two group, in the basket frame trying to throw ball into the other party, to jump into a entering the number decision success or failure. Initial every team has 7 Young Pioneer , competition time is 3 section , every saves 20 minutes. Need to stop when competition, once ball throws into the basket frame , competition, the player climbs a ladder from special collecting , ball is taken out li from basket frame. Have arrived at 1893 , have begun to use a basket and have attached after the netlike sack , player above throw middle, that the referee is pulled right away moves a rope adhering to string bag , makes ball fall down. Have set up a backboard for the drive preventing the bleachers audience from affecting a player afterwards. The basket net approximately, having arrived at 1913 , there having been no the bottom begins to be put into use just now. In 1936, basketball is moved a project by formal column for Olympics.


1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆-詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆。


到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。 1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有移种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。 1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则,此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在"限制区"内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的"限制区"(也叫"3分区");还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。60年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。1977年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是50年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是1976年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。

篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华基督教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海基督教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高,当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高 。








今后发展的新趋势将继续向着"高" 、"快" 、"全" 、"准"、"全"和"女篮男化" 技术、战术运用技艺化的方向发展。







第一, 继续加快进攻速度,主动争取时间,增加攻击次数;第二,继续强调提高攻守转换速度;第三,继续提高运用技术和战术间衔接的速率,加快转换战术变化的节奏,都将给现代篮球运动向更高层次延伸。






第二, 重视全面综合素质水平,陶冶自己成为既全面又有特长的队员。










篮球是1891年由美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(旧译春田)市基督教青年会训练学校体育教师J.奈史密斯博士创造的,19世纪下半叶,美国各地的基督教青年年发展很快,参加活动的青年人很多,但到了1890年的冬天,参加青年活动的人明显减少了。为此,青年会的领导们非常忧虑。经过分析,他们认为是所缺少新颖的、适合冬季在室内进行的运动项目。同时认为,更使新的竞技项目达到预期效果,为人们所接受还必须做到以下几点:(一)新的竞技运动必须是“文明”的,严禁粗野的行为,以消除当时人们因体育运动粗野行为而产生的恐惧心理。(二)能弥补其它项目因季节、气候等自然条件的局限,不受这些因素影响,能在晚上和室内进行。(三)能使不同年龄、性别的人参加,而且特别吸引年轻人。根据以上观点,波士顿青年会在马萨诸塞州斯普林莫尔德市训练学校的体育教师詹姆士·奈史密斯博士受小孩向装桃子的竹筐里扔桃子游戏的启发,并借鉴其他球类项目的特点、难点,于1891年12月25日设计并发明了篮球。刚开始它被称做“篮球游戏”。做游戏时,奈史密 斯博士两个竹筐分别悬挂在健身旁两侧的栏杆上筐距地面10英尺,用足球做为比赛用球。将球扔进对方筐里得过1分,以投中球数的多少来决定比赛的胜负。这便是篮球运动的起源过程。

The Birth Of Basketball

Formal record that, 16 centuries Aztecs predecessor resembling , being basketball in Mex ball. Think that solid rubber ball throws into bundle of player enclosing inside , beating team in sports ground one side higher place stone gaining clothes of the whole audience audience qualifiedly; But, the team leader who conveys team wants to be chopped off the head then. Basketball is Canadian Naisi at the modern times Miss trains school invention's on 1891 in USA Massachusetts spring field Young Men's Christian Association. At that time he wanted to design one kind of the activities that specially appointed occasion carries out such as both can keep the game technology and can in gym. Miss's ball starting this ball that Naisi is called but himself just regards it being righter calling basketball. The basket hangs on the wall because of that this moves is to use peach branch to encrypt, of throwing ball into basket middle ", "basketball" more image some. The basket bottom is enclosed but because of the ball basket hangs in the place of greater height being 3 meters away from a field, every throws reason why that ball is taken out in scoring one goal , being going to be climbed the ladder that the end sets up by one people from basket basket. At that time cover board using wire meshes, ball uses football to replace then. Have arrived at the basket basket switches over to become the hollow circle just now in 1906, use metal basket to replace the branch basket and. The number beginning participating in basketball game is not fixed , is every 7 people of team or 9 people generally, the sometimes is as many as 50 people. Space size is fixed neither , is sets up a boundary line neither , can use personal influence arbitrarily. 1891, Sipulinfeier is morals in USA Massachusetts international youth training school, have a physical-training teacher being called James · Smith, have accepted that the department of physical education director gives to one item mission , have asked him to invent one kind of the team motion mission being able to provoke interest in interior competition and being able to in winter. Thereupon, Smith has fused football played by lacrosse and British played for by Indian, have designed that one kind is not bad interior motion being in progress. Have once , Smith to have nailed one empty space basket frame respectively in school on both side of the gymnasium, dodge the player who divides into two group, in the basket frame trying to throw ball into the other party, to jump into a entering the number decision success or failure. Initial every team has 7 Young Pioneer , competition time is 3 section , every saves 20 minutes. Need to stop when competition, once ball throws into the basket frame , competition, the player climbs a ladder from special collecting , ball is taken out li from basket frame. Have arrived at 1893 , have begun to use a basket and have attached after the netlike sack , player above throw middle, that the referee is pulled right away moves a rope adhering to string bag , makes ball fall down. Have set up a backboard for the drive preventing the bleachers audience from affecting a player afterwards. The basket net approximately, having arrived at 1913 , there having been no the bottom begins to be put into use just now. In 1936, basketball is moved a project by formal column for Olympics.



1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德(Springfield)市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯(James Naismith)博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。



1891年,奈史密斯在 马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德基督教青年会国际训练学校任教。这所学校体育系主任卢瑟·古利克为贯彻冬季体育课教学大纲委托他设计一项室内集体游戏。他从当地儿童喜欢用球投向桃子筐(当地盛产桃子,各户备有桃筐)的游戏中得到启发,创编了篮球游戏。





到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。

1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有多种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为一项世界性运动项目。 1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则,此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在“限制区”内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的“限制区”(也叫“3秒区”);还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。60年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。1977年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是50年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是1976年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。

篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华基督教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海基督教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高,当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高 。




篮球起源 英文版

Early December 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts YMCA International Training School (later Springfield College), physical education teachers from the school invented by Dr. James Naismith, basketball rules then only 13, Dr. Naismith 1939, died aged 78. He did not expect, from the basketball program he created even spread in the market with over two hundred countries, and so far the U.S. basketball is also known around the world. To commemorate Dr. Naismith invented basketball achievements, in the Springfield College campus built in the United States Basketball Hall of Fame - James Naismith Memorial Hall.

At first, Naismith will not nailed two peach baskets room key body stands on the railing, peach basket of 3.04 meters above the ground along with the football game as a tool to throw to the basket. 1 point pitch into the basket, how many points decided by the outcome. After each throw into the basket, the ball out to climb a ladder again start the race. Gradually after the end of the basket into living iron basket, and then hanging on to hoops below.

To 1893, similar to the modern form rebounds, ring, and the Nets. The original game of basketball, the number of playing, the venue size, the game was no strict time limit. Just the two sides must be equal to the number of people participate in the competition. Start of the race, both players were standing on both ends of the line, referee whistle and throw the ball between pitches, the two sides ran inside the ball, start the race. The ball ran to the basket can hold the ball shot, first reach the target score the winner. In 1892, Naismith formulated 13 rules of the game, the main provisions are not allowed to run the ball, allowed a rough action, not allowed to use the boxing ball, a foul or is sentenced to 3 consecutive fouls negative 1; provisions of playing time , the second half, each 15 minutes; provisions were also made on the size of the venue. Gradually reduce the number of people playing games for each team of 10 people, 9, 7, 1893 for each team playing 5.

1904 Olympic Games in 3 1 was the first basketball exhibition game. 1908 United States developed a unified national basketball rules, shifting languages and has published and distributed all over the world, so that the gradual spread of basketball in America, Europe and Asia, has become a world sport. 1936 11th Olympic Games men's basketball as an official event, and the unity of the world basketball competition rules, after 10 years in 1948, the rules have been revised many times, with the existing rules of important changes are: the score after the jump ball in the circle, to loss of units outside the end line in the backcourt to match bounds; offensive team must advance the ball within 10 seconds and play up front; the ball into the front court not to return after the backcourt; offensive players not in the "restricted zone" to stay for 3 seconds; shooting team is violated, 1 hit free throws, missed shots free throws 2 second-class. 1952 and 1956 Olympic basketball competition two 15,16, there has been more than two meters, the International Amateur Basketball Federation to expand basketball court has twice the "restricted zone" (also known as "3 Division") ; also provides that a team controls the ball after the shot must be shot within 30 seconds. The early 60s about 10 seconds and the provisions of the ball returned to the backcourt, was once the 17th Olympic Games in 1960 after the abolition of the midfield line drawn sideline to change the midpoint of the suspension. 18th Olympic Games in 1964 after he returned to the midfield line, these provisions are to continue. 1977, an increase of over 10 fouls each team after two free throws when the defensive foul, anti-foul free throws when shooting are not in 1 plus 1 penalty provisions. Turn 10 in 1981, the provisions of free throws after a foul reduced to 8 times. Obviously, the personnel changing technologies, the development of tactics caused a rule change, which has promoted the rule changes and technical and tactical changes in the further development. Especially since the late 50s, the rule changes on the offensive and defensive basketball game speed, the athlete's body, technology, tactics, and will, work style and so forth have been put forward new and higher requirements, promoting the rapid increase in the level of basketball skills , women's basketball in 1976 before the 21th Olympic Games as an official event of the.

Basketball is a before and after 1896 by the Tianjin YMCA introduced to China, then in Beijing, Shanghai, also have the YMCA in this activity. In 1910 was held at the National Games men's basketball exhibition games, major cities in the country, middle school basketball events gradually unfolded, including Tianjin, Beijing and Shanghai in good agreement, levels are high, then Competition rules are simple, in the course of about the middle of drawing a circle 1 meter in diameter, when the center jump ball players must be placed a hand behind the waist, enough to not take any of the group. Technology is simple, after the jump ball in the circle, who received the ball on their dribbling, shooting people over defense. Only straight ahead at dribbling, passing, is a single, hand chest pass, running shot is a layup with one hand underhand, standing shot are both near and far before the lower abdomen with both hands, hands shot. 1925 years ago, the offensive and 5 defensive players, with a clearer division of labor, center of the center, back to the striker, it was marking, each pegged to their opponents. But the striker's role is just shooting attack, regardless of retreat; guard duty is just defensive intercept the ball, regardless of shooting. Forwards and running small audience, only the center to both offensive and defensive. And later gradually changed to assist the two guard 1 (active guard), a person left behind after the field (fixed guard), two forwards who can become an exclusive competence to stay up front attack, quick attack, a man retreated after the field-assisted anti- . Action has also been the development of technology, one-handed running shot there, a master shot, standing shot his hands chest shot there, there was a single pass, pass the ball hit his hands, alternating hands dribbling dribble dodge appeared defensive and beyond defensive forward technology. Rules of the penalty area and the increase in free-throw line, the team fouls 4 is canceled competition and free throw by the team captain kick specify any one. Game time is divided into, the second half of the 20-minute break of 10 minutes. Each time after the vote, or throws, jump ball in the circle, re-start the race. The level of basketball in China since 1926 have been greatly improved.

1891年12月初在美国马萨诸塞州斯普林菲尔德市基督教青年会国际训练学校(后为春田学院),由该校体育教师詹姆斯·奈史密斯博士发明,当年的篮球规则只有13条,奈史密斯博士于1939年去世,终年78岁。他未曾料到,由他创建的篮球项目竟然在二百多个国家流传市面着,而且至今美国篮球还誉满全球。 为了纪念奈史密斯博士发明的篮球的功绩,在春田学院校园内修建了美国篮球名人馆—詹姆斯·奈史密斯纪念馆。


到1893年,形成近似现代的篮板、篮圈和篮网。最初的篮球比赛,对上场人数、场地大小,比赛时间均无严格限制。只需双方参加比赛的人数必须相等。比赛开始,双方队员分别站在两端线外,裁判员鸣哨并将球掷向球场中间,双方跑向场内抢球,开始比赛。持球者可以抱着球跑向篮下投篮,首先达到预定分数者为胜。 1892年,奈史密斯制定了13条比赛规则,主要规定是不准持球跑,不准有粗野动作,不准用拳击球,否则即判犯规连续3次犯规判负1分;比赛时间规定为上、下半时,各15分钟;对场地大小也作了规定。上场比赛人数逐步缩减为每队10人、9人、7人,1893年定为每队上场5人。

1904年在第3届奥林匹克运动会上第1次进行了篮球表演赛。1908年美国制定了全国统一的篮球规则,并有移种文字出版,发行于全世界,这样,篮球运动逐渐传遍美洲、欧洲和亚洲,成为世界性运动项目。 1936年第11届奥运会将男子篮球列为正式比赛项目,并统一了世界篮球竞赛规则,此后,到1948年的10多年间,规则曾多次修改,与现行规则有关的重要变化是:将得分后的中圈跳球,改为失分队在后场端线外掷界外球继续比赛;进攻队必须在10秒钟内把球推进到前场;球进前场后不得再回后场;进攻队员不得在“限制区”内停留3秒钟;投篮队员被侵犯时,投中罚球1次,投不中罚球2次等。1952年和1956年第15、16两届奥运会的篮球比赛中,出现了两米以上的多人,国际业余篮球联合会曾两次扩大篮球场地的“限制区”(也叫“3分区”);还规定,一个队控制球后,必须在30秒内投篮出手。60年代初有关10秒和球回后场的规定,一度因1960年第17届奥运会后取消了中场线改画边线的中点而中止。1964年第18届奥运会后,又恢复了中场线,这些规定又继续执行。1977年增加了每队满10次犯规后,在防守犯规时罚球两次,防投篮时犯规两罚有1次不中再加罚1次的规定。1981年又将10次犯规后罚球的规定缩减到8次。很明显,人员的变化的技术,战术的发展引起了规则的改变,而规则的改变又促进了人员和技术、战术的进一步发展变化。特别是50年代后期以来,规则的改变对篮球比赛的攻守速度,对运动员的身体、技术、战术以及意志、作风等各方面都不断提出新的更高的要求,促进了篮球技术水平的迅速提高,女子篮球是1976年第21届奥运会上才列为正式比赛项目的。

篮球运动是1896年前后由天津中华基督教青年会传入中国的,随后在北京、上海基督教青年会里也有了此项活动。在1910年的全运会上举行了男子篮球表演赛之后,在全国各大城市的大、中学校的篮球活动逐渐开展起来,其中以天津、北京、上海开展得较好,水平也较高,当时的比赛规则很简单,在球场中间画一个约有1米直径的中圈,中锋队员跳球时一只手必须置于背后腰部,任何一足不得踏出圈外。技术也简单,中圈跳球后,谁接到球就自己运球,超过防守人就投篮。当时只会直线运球前进,传球方法是单、双手胸前传球,跑动投篮是用单手低手上篮,立定投篮无论远近都是用双手腹前低手投篮。1925年前后,进攻和防守的5名运动员,有了较明确的分工,中锋对中锋,后卫对前锋,有人盯人,各自盯住自己的对手。但前锋的职责是只管进攻投篮,不管退守;后卫的职责是只管防守抢截球,不管投篮。前锋和后卫很少全场跑动,只有中锋要攻守兼顾。以后又逐渐改为两后卫1人助攻(活动后卫),1人留守后场(固定后卫),两前锋也变为1人留在前场专管偷袭、快攻,1人退守后场助防。技术动作也有所发展,跑动投篮出现了单手、高手投篮,立定投篮出现了双手胸前投篮,传球出现了单、双手击地传球,运球出现了两手交替运球躲闪防守和超越防守向前推进的技术。规则中增加了罚球区和罚球线,队员犯规4次即被取消比赛资格,犯规罚球可由队长指定任何1个队员主罚。比赛时间分为上、下半时各20分钟,中间休息10分钟。每次投中或罚中后,都在中圈跳球,重新开始比赛。而中国篮球运动水平在1926年以后有了较大提高 。